It's where I come alive. It's where I feel love. It's a cultural haven and a welcoming place. I see myself no matter where I turn. This is why representation matters.
Washington, D.C. is my favorite place to visit. Period. From the world class restaurants to the Smithsonian institutes and museums, there is never a lack of places to explore in this diverse city. Each time I visit, which is sometimes 2-3 times a year, I discover something new about this place I've grown to love.
My daydreams often include moving here, or to one of the surrounding cities, and visiting my favorite spots on a regular basis. Dinner and reading at Kramerbooks & Afterwords, shopping and bonding at The Spice Suite, and leisurely walks and jazz concerts in the Sculpture Garden of the National Gallery of Art are only a few of the places included in my daydreams.
And, there is no shortage of beautiful, black people. The women are vibrant and amiable. The men...well, it is the home of the Million Man March, so there is no shortage of hard-working, handsome gentlemen who are kind and respectable.
When I haven't been to my favorite place in a while my soul begins to yearn for a visit, and I answer the call by booking a trip! As a matter of fact, I can feel the itch coming on. No worries darling, I'm on my way!

KimmyKendrick - Awww! I'm glad this post gave you a different perspective. Let me know if you need recommendations of places to visit.
Yasss! It’s a beautiful city and I’m ready to go back!
Reading your blog gives me a different prospective of D.C.
When I visited I enjoyed the history but the traffic was too much for me. My first impression was too many people in one area. Diversity is very important to me and my family because it allows different cultures to share knowledge. Thanks for your beautiful insight of Washington D.C. my next visit will be different.